Behind the camera is Dina (By Dina Visuals), a warm-hearted mother whose life’s work is to capture the most beloved moments of families in pictures. In my work, I encounter moments and feelings with families whose value cannot be measured in money. I want authenticity to be seen in all my work. That’s why I want to capture in photos the genuine emotions that live in the moment. It is of primary importance to me that you can be photographed exactly as you are.
Natural High Healing is full of moments that you and your family want to remember forever. Love, feelings, experiences – miracles of life. I want you to remember in the future how you smiled, laughed and enjoyed being together. Your Natural High Healing experience is full of meaningful moments, and with the help of pictures you can return to them again and again. Photos have immeasurable value now and in the future. Welcome to a photo shoot with your own family! Shooting time 20 minutes. Booking is available at the Family Wellness & Kids Corner. This photography is free. (Kids Friendly)