After academic life we have focused on Deep Breathing, Tantra, Music and Meditation over 30 years inspired by Indian mystic Osho. We have been sharing 20 years Deep Breathing- and Tantra courses and training. We are running Elontuli -course center (elontuli.fi) with amazing program available.
In this workshop we land deeply into our bodies by Free Dance and Deep Breathing. When the breathing becomes truly deep, life can be transformed. It is easier to accept yourself and your body as they are. It is accepting your own humanity. We become more alive. With expanding self-knowledge, it’s possible to choose things in your life you love. Breathing moves towards what is true in you. (STRONG, YOGA MAT)
SPIRIT OF TANTRA (FIN/ENG) – Tantra & Conscious Sexuality (K18)
The basic idea in Tantra is to say yes to our body, yes to our feelings, yes to love and life. The way of Tantra is the way of surrender and acceptance. Together we create a space full of trust and openness. It’s time to meet yourself deeply and sensitively. Together we create a space where we can celebrate this moment, a wonder of life. (YOGA MAT)
TANTRA FOR COUPLES (FIN/ENG) – Tantra & Conscious Sexuality (K18)
This workshop has been created to bring more joy, pleasure and deeper connection into the relationship – not to forget the playfulness. We are creating a loving and supporting atmosphere, where couples can relax and find a new way of connecting. Tantric vision can give us new understanding, pleasure and approval to our daily life and to our relationships. (YOGA MAT)